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SIngle type "use strict"; const _ = require("lodash"); module.exports = { async find() { const results = await strapi ...
There are is four type of associations. A.hasOne(B); // A is source and B is target A.belongsTo(B); A.hasMany(B); A.belongsToMany(B, { through:...
Let's see the CRUD operations with sequelize Create await User.create({firstName, lastName}) Find To find all data User.findAll() To find specific...
Make sure to install the sequelize and mysql2. npm install sequelize and mysql2 Then create the db. It better to use db.js file. const {Sequelize} =...
const multer = require("multer"); const MIME_TYPE_MAP = { "image/png": "png", "image/jpg": "jpg", "image/jpeg": "jpeg", }; const uuid =...
Node server const express = require('express') const app = express() const cors = require('cors') const socketio = require('socket.io') const router =...